Friday, September 17, 2010

Are you getting enough Vitamin B12?

Are you getting enough vitamin B12 in your diet? Chances are probably not. B12 is a difficult vitamin to absorb and unhealthy intestines may make it even more difficult to absorb. Some individuals may not be eating enough B12 in their diet, medication can interfere with absorption and low stomach acid are just a few of the reasons why B12 may not be making into your liver!

Your doctor may check your blood serum levels of B12 and everything reads normal but how accurate is the blood test? Not very.
A study done by Tiggelen and Peperkamp tested the blood levels of individuals for B12 deficiencies. 4 out of 50 patients had low B12 levels according the blood test. However when the spinal fluid of these individuals was tested for B12, more than half of the patients were found to be deficient in B12.
So I know none of us want to line up for a spinal tap to check our B12 levels. So what should you do?

Keep an eye out for the following symptoms as they could indicate a B12 deficiency:
-a red or sore tongue
-heart palpitations
-memory problems
-menstrual problems

Absorbed B12 is stored in the liver for up to 4 years and therefore can take a while to show a deficiency. Some experts believe it could even take 20 years for a B12 deficiency to show symptoms.

What foods are high in B12? (listed from highest to lowest)
-calf's liver is one of the best (I'm sure its delish!)
-beef tenderloin
-lamb loin

You can take a supplement form as well. I would recommend the Natural Factors B12 Methylcobalamin in 1000mcg sublingual tablets. I personally take one per day! You place the tiny pill under your tongue and it dissolves into your blood stream, rather than entering your digestive tract first. It is better absorbed this way. The best B12 supplement is a shot from your physician but you will need to discuss this with them.

So what does B12 do for you?
Well it can help you feel better emotionally (reduce anxiety, depression and moodiness), sleep better, helps develop red blood cells and nerve cells and can help prevent cancer, multiple sclerosis, celiac/chron's disease, arthritis and atherosclerosis.